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// guitar, vocals, & bass

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// drums

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// keyboards

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Based in Eagle, Idaho, Sale Pending is a modern rock band that covers a variety of genres including classic and modern rock, indie, alternative, and alt-pop. The band first formed in the summer of 2020 as guitarist and lead vocalist Zach Jenkins (Personal Atlas and The Brighterside) and drummer Charlie Orton started to write songs together.


Content for their debut album was being created through the remainder of 2020, finishing in mid-2021. In the Spring of 2021, the Jenkins-Orton led band brought in prodigy Truman Walker on keyboards, along with various bassists to stand in for gigs.


Sale Pending continued to play around the Boise area throughout the remainder of the spring and summer, playing a large collection of crowd-pleasing originals and covers. In mid-July, the band began the recording process for their first album with the help of professional bassist and sound engineer Jeff Abercrombie from Fuel.


Despite Zach Jenkins leaving for college in the Fall, Sale Pending was still moving forward strong with album production and songwriting. Jenkins and Orton still lead the band today, with a current focus of promotion throughout the states.

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